How can you help a child?


Birthday Pals make an investment in the lives of children by sponsoring children to receive our specially curated Birthday Pals Birthday Kit. You could even ask your friends to sponsor a child in honor of your special day. Sign up below to become a Birthday Pal to a child who wants to join the celebration! What better gift could you give yourself than to make a difference in the life of a child?


We all know it takes a few things to make a birthday party special. Our Birthday Pals help us provide families with basic party supplies to enhance a child’s birthday experience. We are always seeking donations of age-appropriate gifts, birthday cards, gift wrap, and party supplies. You can also organize a Birthday Pals collections drive in your business, church, neighborhood, or at work to help us get the party started! You can also donate financially, and even be a Birthday Pal to a child on your particular birth date! Click the button below to make a contribution.


Looking for a hands-on opportunity? Birthday Pals wouldn’t be possible without volunteers to accept and sort donations, coordinate with families, and create our specially curated Birthday Pals Birthday Kits. Got an idea to amp up a birthday party? We’d love to hear it! Got a talent? Can you make ballon animals, play a clown, do magic, or dress up in a super hero costume on the weekends? Then we need you too! No idea is a bad idea when it comes to reaching our mission to ensure every child is celebrated.

Sign up here!